

The All - Creation and Evolution
Do you remember nothing before you were born?
This is a question that I have asked people for many years.
Asked usually to the individuals that I have encountered and identified as watchers, seekers, prexisting entities or members of the Etheric Collective.
There is no right or wrong answer, only the potential of a brief pause.
The answer has been disconnected for most, with the exception of a brief unrecognizable memory. It may be in the form of a flash of colors or lite. For some, a moment of darkness possibly during metamorphasis while in the etheric plane. More evolved minds will have a better understanding through pyschic memory, astral travel and contact.
The Human Brain -
The brain and its construct of 33 billion nuerons and axons transmits electrical impulses and chemicals giving us the ability of thought, reason, emotion and conscienousness. Yet, there is something connected to the brain that is linked to our existence, something for most that is unseen. It is a presence or energy that utilizies the conscience and subconscience existence of mankind. It links us all together. It gives us abilities far beyond any other species that inhabit our planet and most in the universe and multiverse. Some may call it mana,  a soul or spirit. I call it a link, merely because its existence has not yet been discovered through science.
Maybe on our quest for God Elements its existence will be found and identified. Or maybe, there's nothing there at all. No element acting as the glue that holds matter together.
What is the difference between grey matter and dark matter?
What is Space?
It was a question asked to both Hubble and Einstein in the late 1920s. What is space?
Hubble quickly replied, "a vacuum that is constantly expanding."
When Einstein was asked this question he replied,
"I'm not sure, but if I were to guess I would say it is Dark Energy."   
We know through science that space is dark matter (dark energy). We also know the amount of energy contained in one cubic foot. We know that space is energy and that there are constant sources of energy being emitted and dispursed throughout our Universe. Energy that travels billions of years in nano time and is conected to everything or ALL Things.
A question I have asked myself is "Is it possible that space and the universe may have a conscieness?' Does it not contain or have similarities to the human brain but on a expedential scale.
A scale so vast that if it had conscienceness it's thoughts could actually be made into physical mass. That we are energy that has been given a physical appearance and mass created by a simple thought.
Imagine a coscienceness so vast and advanced that our universe and existence in its comparison is only a micro-component of it's potential. 
Like the human brain, energy pulsing and chemical compounds mixing that have created a conscienceness, capable of emotions, reason and  philisophical thought. Its capabilities reaching far beyond changing matter or an idea into living organic entities.  It's existence would be beyond our realm of dimensional and human understanding. We think that nothing comes from nothing. However, a human hypothesis is limited to our mathematics, sciences and senses constricting thought and leaving possibilties to our imagination. It is only the imagination of human beings that can truely understand the complexity of worlds unknown and dimensions undiscovered.

Mana - The energy or material that souls are made of.
Multiverse - The entirety of space, time, matter and energy as well the physical laws and constants that describe them.
Etheric Plane- The fourth or next highest plane of the Physcal Plane. Entities of light and Energy.
